Term 1 - Weeks 7-8


HIVE AGM is TOMORROW - Friday 22nd March at 9am
If you’re able to join us - please do. Meeting will be held in the Bee Box (demountable near the pedestrian gate) and not the Hive room as previously advertised.

Welcome BBQ reminder: Remember to pick the kids up a bit early if you can, to go and join in the fun. If you want someone else to collect your child from Hive, and take them along - you need to email bookings or text 0450 896 686.

WATCH THE WEATHER!! We’re seeing some cooler weather start to creep in, so please be sure to pack layers for the kids. It can get chilly, especially later on in the afternoons…


The April HP program looks AWESOME and is filling up fast…!! Instructions for booking are on our website.
Please do NOT submit a ‘holiday’ notification - this is not the same as making an HP booking!
Please make sure you book the correct program: YK-1 = Little Bees, Y2-6 = Big Bees.
Except: Fri 19 & Wed 24 April - Y2-3 should book Little Bees (program has been specially tailored for the broader age range)


🔔 midnight Sunday 31st March 🔔


Our morning crew is always bustling with excitement before the school day begins. This fortnight, we've embraced rainy days with lively board game sessions, plenty of dressups and spirited rounds of hide and seek! Our breakfast club special of the week is delicious yogurt and frozen fruit, but our famous Hive cheesy toasties remain the top pick! If you have a breakfast favourite you'd like to see on our menu, don't hesitate to share your suggestions with us.

Our garden bees have been buzzing around like crazy this week! They've been hard at work pulling out the old green bean plants, but don't worry, they saved some seeds to plant next spring! They also planted some new seedlings and did lots of watering. They've been real busy bees!

Can you 🤖 "Spot the Bot' 🤖 ? Our mischievous robot friend has been playing hide-and-seek all around the school lately, and we could really use your help to track it down! Check out the pictures at the bottom…

Check out all the photos for a sneak peek of the awesome fun we've been having in our amazing activity clubs over the past couple of weeks:

  • ART & CRAFT: paper weaving, welcome BBQ posters, cardboard roll bumblebees, cupcake hot air balloons, rainbow paintings…

  • BAKING CLUB: Blueberry muffins & cinnammon rolls. Yummmmmm!! 😋😋

  • SPORTS: circus skills, netball, archery, soccer, dodgeball and more

  • EXPLORE & DISCOVER: DIY stress balls, bug hunts, nature collages - and a special shoutout to "GG's Salon" which is so awesome that the kids line up to get their hair and nails done!


Well done to our awesome KINDY COHORT for completing their Hive induction! We’ve been running dedicated activities and spaces for them for the first few weeks of term, and now they’re ready to join in the wider program and to mix it up with kids from all the different age groups. GO KINDYS!!!!

And remember - our dedicated Kindy team - Jen and Lucia - are still on hand, and connecting with the Kindys every single day during roll call, afternoon tea and free play…

Katie - Educator

Katie is from Glasgow, Scotland and has been on the team for 3 years now. She loves helping Hive kids develop their cooking and baking skills. When not at the Hive she runs her own swim school, Swell Swimming and has taught several Hive kids and parents over the years… 🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♀️

Katie recently attempted the 20km Rottnest Island Swim but had to stop halfway, due to the race being abandoned!